Sunday, August 24, 2008

symptoms of uterine fibroids.

Abdominal fullness, gas
Bleeding between periods or very prolonged bleeding with periods
Increase in
urinary frequency
Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia), sometimes with the passage of blood clots
Pelvic cramping or pain with periods
Sensation of fullness or pressure in lower abdomen
Sudden, severe pain due to a pedunculated fibroid
Note: There are often no symptoms.

Fewer than 25% of patients with fibroids have symptoms. When they do, symptoms include:
The most common symptom is prolonged and heavy bleeding during menstruation. This is caused by fibroid growth bordering the uterine cavity. In severe cases, heavy bleeding may last as many as 2 weeks. Fibroids rarely bleed between periods, except in a few cases of very large fibroids.
Large fibroids can also cause pressure and pain in the abdomen or lower back that sometimes feels like menstrual cramps.
As the fibroids grow larger, some women feel them as hard lumps in the lower abdomen.
Very large fibroids may give the abdomen the appearance of pregnancy and cause a feeling of heaviness and pressure. In fact, large fibroids are defined by comparing the size of the uterus to the size it would be at specific months during gestation.
Unusually large fibroids may press against the bladder and urinary tract and cause frequent urination or the urge to urinate, particularly when a woman is lying down at night.
Abnormal pain during intercourse (called dyspareunia).
Fibroids pressing on the ureters (the tubes going from the kidneys to the bladder) may obstruct or block the flow of urine.
Fibroid pressure against the rectum can cause constipation.

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