Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Pepper is a spice, food and condiment, rich in vitamins and increase appetite, alleviate gas and enhance effective blood circulation.
Little wonder why people acquitted with its nutritional values barely spend a day without eating food spiced with pepper. If we may ask how important is for us to eat spicy food? Pepper sets one’s tongue on fire and make one shed tears like a baby, does pepper help the body in any way?
Pepper contains high percentage of vitamins like; vitamin B1,B6,folic acid and vitamin C which boosts the immune system. Pepper is also rich in vitamin B2,A,protein,calcium,zinc and beta-carotene. Studies have shown that 1 small chilli pepper among the several varieties of pepper has more vitamin C than 1 lemon or orange, as well as 50 percentage of the daily recommended dosage of vitamin A. The spicy portion called capsaicin can be extracted and turned into medicine that could be used for headache,bloatness and skin disorder.
A further research has it that pepper is good for the heart and is recommended for hypertensive and ulcer patient,Reumatism/Arthritis patient can apply a mixture of cayenne pepper and Shea butter on their leg, as it enhances free blood circulation. Despite the several complains that pepper is hot on the tongue, some people, mostly those in the riverine areas of Nigeria and some other parts of the world prefers very spicy food. Some people claim something appears missing if they don’t eat spicy food or fish and raw pepper. The spicier the food the better. There are several varieties of pepper ranging from the green bell pepper, which can be consumed in different forms;raw,cooked roasted or in vegetable platters. The chilli pepper can be used for sauce, food and stew, while Anaheim pepper is primarily used for paste when dried.
Note; if you touch the chilli pepper by accident and feel the burning sensation on your skin, you can use lemon or lime juice to wash out the area and this will alleviate the burning sensation. If you accidentally eat chilli pepper, you can drink milk because it has casein, which helps to alleviate the spicness
John njikanma
www.healthmirrow.blogspot.com, www.herbalview.blogspot.com.


The treatment of diabetes could be about to take a leap forward with the help of a south American frog. A compound found on the skin of the paradoxical frog-so called because the tadpole is much larger than the adult-boosts the production of insulin.
Scientists have made a synthetic version of the compound they hope will turn into pill to treat Britain’s two million sufferers of type 2 diabetes.
A compound found on the skin of the paradoxical frog boosts the production of insulin. The most common form of diabetes, it usually occurs after the age of 40. Sufferers do not make enough insulin, a hormone key in converting sugar into energy, or make insulin that doesn’t work properly.
Blood sugar levels are initially kept in check through a tightly controlled diet and exercise regime. But worsening of the condition over time means most suffers will need tablets or insulin injections as they get older. With not all tablets suiting everyone, the paradoxical frog-found in ponds, lakes and lagoons in the Amazon and Trinidad-could provide an alternative. Study of the frog at Ulster university has revealed that the skin that boosts the insulin production. Tests show a synthetic version of the compound, known as pseudin-2, can greatly increase the amount of insulin made. Researcher Dr Yasser Abdelwahab,who will present his findings at a diabetes conference in Glasgow, said “ now we needed but there is a growing body of work around natural anti-diabetic drug discovery that is already yielding fascinating results.
Douglas Smallwood, chief executive of Diabetes uk,said, good diabetes control reduces the risk of complications including blindness, heart disease, kidney problems and amputation, so new treatments are vital.
The drug, which is still many years away from the market, is likely only to benefit sufferers of type 2 diabetes. In type 1,or childhood diabetes, the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas are likely to be too damaged for pseudin-2 to be effective.
Also known as the shrinking frog, the paradoxical frog gets its name because of the contrast between the tadpole and adult frog. While the tadpole can be up to 10 inches long, the adult frog is around two inches long.
Drinking black tea could also help combat type 2 diabetes, say scientists at Dundee University. They found that components of black tea known as the aflavins and the arubigins mimic the action of insulin. But Dr Graham Rena, whose research is reported in the journal Aging cell, said : “People shouldn’t be rushing to drink masses of black tea thinking it will cure them Diabetes. We are still on the way from this leading to new treatments, until the final result is made known, keep posted and pray it will never take long. John njikanma

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


For one reason or another, a woman’s ovulation can sometimes be delayed. She will then miss her menses and wrongly think she is pregnant. However, it sometimes happens that when ovulation returns she immediately conceives and so will continue to miss her menses because she is now pregnant. If the time of her pregnancy is counted from the date of her last menses she will wrongly think she is 10 or 11 months pregnant before delivery.

Before ovulation, a woman normally has a special kind of discharge, known as ovulation mucus.

Irritation of the vagina is most commonly caused b y a fungus infection, which people can develop without any sexual intercourse. It is not a serious condition but can be very distressing. Unfortunately many women try to cure it themselves with capsules of antibiotics.
This makes it worse. A doctor would advised the use of antifungal vaginal tablets twice a day, even during her menses. This should be continued for at least a week after all irritation has ceased. Also more than ordinary hygiene with underclothes is required.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dangers Of Smoking

Almost everybody knows that smoking is bad for the health. Images of blackened lungs line school hallways and hospital waiting rooms, but despite this people continue to take up smoking. This may have to do with the pervasive romantic image of smoking -- an image that has nothing in common with reality.There are many ways to take tobacco. You can chew it, inhale it through the nose, and smoke it in the form of cigars or cigarettes. No matter how it's taken it is dangerous, but because smoking is the most popular way to consume tobacco it has also received the greatest attention from the medical field and the media.When a smoker inhales a puff of cigarette smoke the large surface area of the lungs allows nicotine to pass into the blood stream almost immediately. It is this nicotine "hit" that smokers crave, but there is a lot more to smoke than just nicotine. In fact, there are more than 4000 chemical substances that make up cigarette smoke and many of them are toxic.Cigarette smoke is composed of 43 carcinogenic substances and more than 400 other toxins that can also be found in wood varnish, nail polish remover, and rat poison. All of these substances accumulate in the body and can cause serious problems to the heart and lungs.Cancer is the most common disease associated with smoking. Smoking is the cause of 90% of lung cancer cases and is related to 30% of all cancer fatalities. Other smoking-related cancers include cancers of the mouth, pancreas, urinary bladder, kidney, stomach, esophagus, and larynx.Besides cancer, smoking is also related to several other diseases of the lungs. Emphysema and bronchitis can be fatal and 75% of all deaths from these diseases are linked to smoking.Smokers have shorter lives than non-smokers. On average, smoking takes 15 years off your life span. This can be explained by the high rate of exposure to toxic substances which are found in cigarette smoke.Smokers also put others at risk. The dangers of breathing in second-hand smoke are well known. Smokers harm their loved ones by exposing them to the smoke they exhale. All sorts of health problems are related to breathing in second-hand smoke. Children are especially susceptible to the dangers of second-hand smoke because their internal organs are still developing. Children exposed to second-hand smoke are more vulnerable to asthma, sudden infant death syndrome, bronchitis, pneumonia, and ear infections.Smoking can also be dangerous for unborn children. Mothers who smoke are more likely to suffer from miscarriages, bleeding and nausea, and babies of smoking mothers have reduced birth weights or may be premature. These babies are more susceptible to sudden infant death syndrome and may also have lifelong health complications due to chest infections and asthma.It is never too late to give up smoking, even those who have smoked for 20 years or more can realize tremendous health benefits from giving up the habit.

Quitting The Habit – How To Choose The Right Method?

Once you have made the decision to quit smoking, you should choose a method to help you overcome the habit. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, so it's a good idea to examine all of them before deciding.No matter which method you choose, it is important to have the support and encouragement of family and friends. You can quit smoking on your own but you are more likely to succeed if you have moral support from the people around you.For most people, the desire to smoke comes in waves. One way to deal with those waves is to pick up the phone and talk to someone who knows that you are trying to quit. This has the dual benefit of offering some distraction as well as getting encouragement in your battle against tobacco.Ways to QuitCold Turkey - If you have a great deal of willpower and a strong desire to quit smoking, you may be able to do it cold turkey. Quitting cold turkey means that you simply stop -- no intermediate steps, just going from your regular habit to no smoking at all.Certain individuals that metabolize nicotine relatively slowly are more likely to succeed by quitting cold turkey. This is because they are not as physically addicted to nicotine as other smokers are. People with a higher dependence on nicotine may find they need to use a nicotine substitute such as patches or gum.Slowly Cutting Down - Rather than quitting cold turkey, some people prefer to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke each day. In order for this to work you need to have a plan to reduce your smoking by a certain amount each day and a goal for the day when you want to be completely smoke-free.There are many strategies you can use. You could smoke one less cigarette each day; you could delay smoking the first cigarette of the day by a greater amount each day; or you could limit your smoking to a certain number of cigarettes within a three hour period.Nicotine Substitutes - Either of the above methods could be supplemented with the use of a nicotine substitute like gum, spray or patches. This helps reduce the craving for nicotine which is behind the desire to smoke. The brain has become accustomed to regular doses of nicotine so by supplying the nicotine by other means quitting the habit becomes easier.Before using a nicotine substitute consult with your doctor concerning any health risks that may be associated with it. Nicotine substitutes are available in the form of chewing gum, nasal spray, lozenges, inhalators, or tablets that are kept under the tongue. Patches can also be worn on the skin to provide a constant supply of nicotine to the bloodstream throughout the day.Zyban - Zyban is an antidepressant drug that has been proven effective reducing nicotine withdrawal symptoms. It is available by doctor's prescription.Hypnosis - Hypnosis has also been used to help overcome nicotine cravings. It seems to be most effective in those who have a strong desire to quit.Acupuncture - As with hypnosis, acupuncture works best with people who are committed to quitting smoking. Both acupuncture and hypnosis may work by reinforcing the commitment to giving up smoking. There is no evidence that they are any more effective than other methods.

Natural Ways To Stop Smoking

There are many paths to a smoke-free living. You can use aids like patches, gum, or drugs like Zyban to help get over the physical addiction to nicotine. You may decide to quit cold turkey and suffer the withdrawal symptoms, or you may gradually cut down on your cigarette habit.As an alternative to nicotine substitutes, you can treat the challenge of quitting the habit as an opportunity to make changes in your lifestyle for the better. At the end of the process you will not only be a smoke-free, you will have also gained new eating habits and lifestyle changes for healthier living.Making changes to your lifestyle and eating habits is a big challenge, and requires a certain level of dedication. You will find, however, that eating healthier and living healthier also makes it easier to quit smoking. You will also develop strategies for dealing with nicotine withdrawal.Since we are talking about several changes to your style of living, it's a good idea to take at least a week or two off your regular routine to make the changes. If you can take some time off work and get away from your regular schedule you will be exposed to fewer situations which you associate with smoking. You can also take the time to recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.A regular exercise routine is an essential part of healthy living. If you have not exercised previously, build up to it gradually. Rather than starting on an ambitious two-mile jog every morning, begin by going for long walks. As your stamina increases and your health improves you can add more vigorous activities to your exercise routine.Healthy eating is also very important for regaining the health that may have been lost from your smoking habit. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and cut down on fatty meats and foods high in saturated fats like fast food and desserts. Eating good-quality food can help eliminate toxins from the body faster which makes it easier to overcome your nicotine habit.You are likely to experience symptoms from nicotine withdrawal. Nicotine is a powerful drug that affects many parts of the body but particularly the brain. Smokers become accustomed to the regular stimulation that nicotine provides, and may feel sluggish and inattentive when it is deprived. Rather than depending on nicotine substitutes to overcome the symptoms, simply take short naps whenever you feel drained.Another symptom of nicotine withdrawal is irritability. Whenever you feel this way or are craving a cigarette, go for a brisk walk. This helps clear your mind and overcome the desire for nicotine.You may also find that your mouth and throat feel dry or that you develop a cough or postnasal drip. This is caused by the body ridding itself of excess mucus produced because of exposure to smoke. To overcome these symptoms drink plenty of juice and water or suck on lozenges.Cutting down on caffeine should be part of your new healthy lifestyle. There is no need to eliminate caffeine completely, but it is particularly important to avoid it after six pm. Nicotine withdrawal can cause insomnia and you do not want exasperate that by stimulating yourself with too much caffeine.It is important to find natural ways to relax. Many people are tempted to smoke when exposed to stressful situations. It is far healthier to learn relaxation techniques like deep breathing. Nicotine withdrawal may also cause headaches which can be relieved by hot baths or gentle body movements like rolling the head.All of these techniques are extremely helpful in overcoming the cigarette habit but they are also useful for maintaining good health. Make them part of your regular lifestyle and you will feel better, look better, and have a healthier outlook on life.

Quit Smoking By Facing Your Psychological Addiction

When you’ve been addicted to nicotine, the thought of trying to quit smoking can be intimidating. Aside from the physical withdrawal symptoms, there’s a psychological addiction to the habit-forming drug.If you’re setting out on a mission to quit smoking, make sure you implement a plan to attack your mental habit as well as face the withdrawal of nicotine physically from your body. Medications and counseling can contribute to an easier time when you quit smoking, because it’s an emotional and social habit as well as just a habit of motion, taking your fingers to and from your mouth to inhale a cigarette.There are many ways to get psychological help for your addiction. They need to be done in conjunction with the physical removal of nicotine, not just before or after you’ve quit smoking.You may opt for phone counseling, which you can find through the American Cancer Society’s Quitline. This way you’re connected with a trained counselor whenever you need help with your plans to quit smoking.There are some common traps counselors can help you avoid that usually cause someone who has quit smoking to return to the nasty habit. Phone counseling is a convenient way to reach out for support because it’s available at all times, from anywhere you have a phone connection.Some people who want to quit smoking need to do nothing more than turn to family and friends in their time of need. It’s especially helpful if there’s someone you know who has already quit smoking and will understand what you’re going through. There are also programs organized specifically for people who want to quit smoking. Being a part of a group can be beneficial in giving you the extra support you need to break the habit once and for all.You may discover that you prefer individual counseling over group meetings, but either way, counseling helps people quit smoking more than those who try to go it alone. Some organizations will be intense, and others more flexible. The more intense it is, the higher your chance of success to quit smoking.If you feel like your addiction is strong, then try to find a frequent meeting that lasts at least half an hour. Try to find those with experience to help you with you quit smoking. Never fall for the quick and easy claims some groups make just to take your money.

What Are The Immediate Benefits When I Quit Smoking?

Everyone knows that it’s obviously healthier for you to quit smoking than it is to continue your addiction to nicotine. But there are more than just long-term health benefits. Your body is immediately improved when you start inhaling clean air as opposed to the smoke from a cigarette.Within 20 minutes after you quit smoking your last cigarette, changes begin to take place in your overall health. Your heart rate and blood pressure drop to a healthier level. Half a day later, your blood shows normal levels of carbon monoxide.Just a couple of months after you quit smoking, you’ll notice your lung function increases. Maybe you can now walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for air. Plus, your circulation is improved.During the first nine months after you quit smoking, you’ll notice you no longer cough as much and you’re capable of taking deep breaths. This is because the cilia in your lungs are able to move the mucus out of your lungs so they function better to clean them out and clear out infections.When you’re celebrating your first year after quitting smoking, you should toast to the fact that your risk of coronary heart disease is cut in half from what it was when you were labeled a smoker.Over the course of the next five years and decade after you quit smoking, your stroke risk is reduced, too. Lung cancer death rate is half that of a smoker’s and other cancers, such as those of the throat, mouth, bladder, and pancreas are cut as well.While health is obviously an important factor in why people quit smoking, there are other immediate benefits as well. Tobacco may have damaged your physical appearance, such as causing premature aging, yellowing of the nails and teeth, and a foul odor clinging to your hair and clothes.When you quit smoking, your skin immediately begins to repair itself and the bad smell goes away. Your breath smells fresh and you can take action to whiten your teeth using over the counter teeth whiteners.You’ll also notice improvements in other areas of your life after you quit smoking. For instance, you’ll be able to taste food better than before and your sense of smell will be sharpened. Your reasons may be listed within this article, or you may have your own personal reasons to quit smoking. Either way, you’ll reap the rewards of your efforts once you say goodbye to tobacco for good.

Nicotine Won’t Let You Quit Smoking

Does nicotine have a strong hold over you? It’s one of the most addictives substances on the planet - found naturally in tobacco. Although not illegal, it’s equally as addictive as cocaine or heroine, two illegal drugs known for their strong addictive qualities.When you use nicotine, your body begins to rely on it both mentally and physically. You can’t quit smoking because you have to face both the psychological and physical issues facing you at this point, which is often overwhelming for anyone.It’s not the smoke itself that wreaks havoc on your addictions and makes it nearly impossible for you to quit smoking – it’s the nicotine that gets carried in the smoke deep into your lungs where it plants itself in your bloodstream and then moves to every available part of your body to affect your internal health.Your heart and blood vessels, your brain, your hormones, and your metabolism are all directly affected by nicotine. Even though you may logically know the damage being done, your ability to quit smoking is diminished because the drug has the same effect as endorphins, releasing mood-elevating feelings that cause you to crave more.But nicotine has another result. When you try to quit smoking, or even stay at the same number of cigarettes you currently smoke, your body triggers you to smoke more, telling you that you’ve become tolerant of your current usage. Nicotine can cause your body to react faster than if you were given a drug intravenously. If you are able to quit smoking, nicotine will still reside in your body for up to four days after you stop using it. Your body will go into withdrawal, which is both a mental and physical obstacle you have to overcome.While the physical portion of the addiction has to be dealt with through symptoms such as sleep disturbance, headaches, and dizziness, when someone quits smoking, the mental portion is noticeable when the newly ex-smoker starts dealing with depression, frustration, and anger that results from nicotine withdrawal.Because of the pressure felt in both the mind and body, many smokers return to the bad habit so that the nicotine will erase the symptoms they’re feeling. The dilemma of withdrawal symptoms when someone quits smoking can last for days or weeks, depending on the severity of the addiction.Eventually, the symptoms disappear and the strong hold nicotine has over the user loosens up its grip and allows the ex-smoker to break the habit for good. Most smokers have to try several times before they’re able to quit smoking forever, although many do it on the first try using smoking cessation aids.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


The solution lies in a true understanding of human sexuality as opposed to that of lower forms of life. The problem can be considerable alleviated, if not altogether removed, if the man and the woman develop this deeper understanding by discussion together. Ejaculation too soon often occurs because of fear. The man may be very tense,fearing that he may not live up to the expectation of his woman, and that he will not satisfy her. Some men never learn that sheer power alone,without love, can never fully satisy a woman . The human being is one person, woman consists of soul and body as a unity. The biggest mistake that a man can make is to separate that soul and body in his woman and come to her as if she were body alone. By approaching her in this way he not only reduces her, he reduces himself as welll because acting in these manner is a distortion of reality. True sexuality consists in one whole person fully communicating with another whole person.

If this were understood by both man and the woman together,the problem of repeated premature ejaculation, and many other difficulties, would be alleviated. john njikanam healthmirrow@gmail.com


This is more common among men,infact is issues for men and many are suffering from these today.

By premature ejaculation,it means that man spills his semen either before he penetrates the vagina,before he penetrates fully or too soon after penetration.

When premature ejaculation happens frequently and the man makes little effort to gain control, it can cause his woman more suffering. It may appear that he treats her as a mere plaything to satisfy his needs. He is ignoring her personhood, her need to reach the mountain-top just as he did, and to be one with him in these as in other things.

Very often the root cause of all these things is not a lack of love, but the ignorance of many men about the sexual needs of their woman. Side by side with that is the woman"s own reluctance to talk about it. They are not accustomed to communicating with each other at that level.

The woman begins to feel rejected, she sees no sign of love. She may even worry about infidelity, although more often her doubts are quite unjustified. To overcome this very real suffering in his woman, it is essential that the man should not ignore the fact that he has reach the climax too soon. Instead they should talk together about what has happed, as two people who love each other and want to understand and help one another.
But there are many occasions when a man cannot avoid premature ejaculation. Women sometimes forget this. They need to realise that a man can also suffer when it happens. It may be the result of prolonged abstinence, some kind of disposition, or his inexperience and youth. The love of an understanding woman can do so much to help, and again their sense of humour lightens the situation for both of them. john njikanma healthmirrow@gmail.com.

Treatment of uterine fibroids.

Treatment depends on various factors, including:
General health
Severity of symptoms
Type of fibroids
Whether you are pregnant
If you want children in the future
Some women may just need pelvic exams or ultrasounds every once in a while to monitor the fibroid's growth.
Treatment for fibroids may include:
Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) to help control heavy periods
Iron supplements to prevent anemia due to heavy periods
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naprosyn for cramps or pain with menstruation
Some women may need hormonal therapy (Depo Leuprolide injections) to shrink the fibroids. This medicine reduces the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The hormones create a situation in the body that is very similar to
menopause. Side effects can be severe and may include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and loss of bone density. Hormone treatment may last several months. Fibroids will begin to grown as soon as treatment stops. In some cases, hormone therapy is used for a short period of time before surgery or when the woman is expected to reach menopause soon.
Surgery and procedures used to treat fibroids include:
Hysteroscopic resection of fibroids: This outpatient procedure may be needed for women with fibroids growing inside the uterine cavity. In this procedure, a small camera and instruments are inserted through the cervix into the uterus to remove the fibroid tumors.
Uterine artery embolization: This procedure stops the blood supply to the fibroid, causing it to die and shrink. The long-term effects of this procedure are still unknown, and the safety of pregnancy after this procedure is a concern.
Myomectomy: This surgery removes the fibroids. It is frequently the chosen treatment for women who want to have children, because it usually can preserve fertility. Another advantage of a myomectomy is that it controls pain or excessive bleeding that some women with uterine fibroids have. More fibroids can develop after myomectomy.
Hysterectomy: This invasive surgery may be an option if medicines do not work and other surgeries and procedures are not an option.

exams and test of uterine fibroids.

A pelvic examination may reveal an irregularly shaped, lumpy, or enlarged uterus. Frequently, this diagnosis is reliable. In some cases, diagnosis of fibroids is difficult, especially in obese women. Fibroid tumors have been mistaken for ovarian tumors, inflammation of the fallopian tubes, and pregnancy.
transvaginal ultrasound or pelvic ultrasound may be done to confirm the diagnosis of fibroids.
An endometrial biopsy (biopsy of the uterine lining) or a
pelvic laparoscopy may be needed to rule out cancer.

A doctor will perform a pelvic examination to check for pregnancy-related conditions and signs of fibroids or other abnormalities, such as ovarian cysts.
Medical and Personal History
The doctor needs to have a complete history of any medical or personal conditions that might be causing heavy bleeding, including:
Any family history of menstrual problems or bleeding disorders.
The presence or history of any medical conditions that might be causing heavy bleeding. Women who visit their gynecologist with menstrual complaints, particularly heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, or both may actually have an underlying medical disorder, which must be ruled out.
The pattern of the menstrual bleeding. (If it occurs during regular menstruation, nonhormonal treatments are tried first. If bleeding is irregular, occurs between periods, with premenstrual pain, after sex, or is associated with pelvic pain, the doctor should look for specific conditions that may cause these problems.)
Regular use of any medications (including vitamins and over-the-counter drugs).
Diet history, including caffeine and alcohol intake.
Past or present contraceptive use.
Any recent stressful events.
Sexual history. (It is very important that the patient trust the doctor enough to describe any sexual activity that might be risky.)
Ruling out Other Conditions that Cause Heavy Bleeding (Menorrhagia)
Almost all women, at some time in their reproductive life, bleeding heavily during menstrual periods (menorrhagia). Being taller, older, and having a higher number of pregnancies increase the chances for heavier-than-average bleeding. In some cases the cause of heavy bleeding is unknown, but a number of conditions can cause menorrhagia or contribute to the risk:
Menstrual disorders
Miscarriage. An isolated instance of heavy bleeding usually after the period due date may be due to a miscarriage. If the bleeding occurs at the usual time of menstruation, however, miscarriage is less likely to be a cause.
Having late periods or approaching menopause. These events may cause occasional menorrhagia.
Uterine polyps. (These are small benign growths in the uterus.)
Certain contraceptives. (Oral contraceptives or an intrauterine device, an IUD.)

symptoms of uterine fibroids.

Abdominal fullness, gas
Bleeding between periods or very prolonged bleeding with periods
Increase in
urinary frequency
Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia), sometimes with the passage of blood clots
Pelvic cramping or pain with periods
Sensation of fullness or pressure in lower abdomen
Sudden, severe pain due to a pedunculated fibroid
Note: There are often no symptoms.

Fewer than 25% of patients with fibroids have symptoms. When they do, symptoms include:
The most common symptom is prolonged and heavy bleeding during menstruation. This is caused by fibroid growth bordering the uterine cavity. In severe cases, heavy bleeding may last as many as 2 weeks. Fibroids rarely bleed between periods, except in a few cases of very large fibroids.
Large fibroids can also cause pressure and pain in the abdomen or lower back that sometimes feels like menstrual cramps.
As the fibroids grow larger, some women feel them as hard lumps in the lower abdomen.
Very large fibroids may give the abdomen the appearance of pregnancy and cause a feeling of heaviness and pressure. In fact, large fibroids are defined by comparing the size of the uterus to the size it would be at specific months during gestation.
Unusually large fibroids may press against the bladder and urinary tract and cause frequent urination or the urge to urinate, particularly when a woman is lying down at night.
Abnormal pain during intercourse (called dyspareunia).
Fibroids pressing on the ureters (the tubes going from the kidneys to the bladder) may obstruct or block the flow of urine.
Fibroid pressure against the rectum can cause constipation.

Uterine Fibroids. causes.

Uterine fibroids are the most common pelvic tumor. Fibroids may be seen as many as 1 in every 5 women in their childbearing years (the time after starting menstruation for the first time and before menopause.)
Fibroids usually affect women over age 30. They are rare in women under 20 or in those who have gone through menopause. They are more common in African-Americans than Caucasians.
The cause of uterine fibroid tumors is unknown. However, fibroid growth seems to depend on the hormone estrogen. As long as a woman with fibroids is menstruating, a fibroid will probably continue to grow, usually slowly.
Fibroids can be so tiny that you need a microscope to see them. However, they can also grow very large. They may fill the entire uterus, and may weigh several pounds. Although it is possible for just one fibroid to develop, usually there is more than one.
Sometimes, a fibroid hangs from a long stalk, which is attached to the outside of the uterus. This is called a pedunculated fibroid.

Inherited genetic factors may be important in many cases of fibroids. Researchers are investigating unique genetic factors that regulate hormones. Proteins called growth factors may be responsible for some of the abnormalities leading to uterine muscle overgrowth and fibroids. Scientists have identified chromosomes carrying a total of 145 genes that may affect fibroid growth. Some experts report that uterine fibroids are inherited from paternal (the father's) genes.
Female Hormones
Uterine fibroids often grow during pregnancy, and they degenerate after menopause. From these observations and certain studies, researchers are fairly certain that the female hormones, both estrogen and progesterone, play a role in their growth. Their role, however, is not clear. Some theories about the relationship to fibroids and estrogen include the following:
Estrogen patterns in fibroids are similar to those in pregnancy. That is, like smooth muscle cells in the uterus during pregnancy, fibroid cells exposed to female hormones do not respond normally to signals that would make them self-destruct and return to a nonpregnant state. (This natural self-destruction is a process called apoptosis). Instead, they continue to grow.
Some evidence suggests that estrogen may inhibit a tumor-suppressor gene called p53 in fibroid tissue, therefore triggering cell proliferation leading to fibroid growth. (P53 plays a role in some cancer-cell growth, although in this case the process is not cancerous.)
Growth Factors
The formation of fibroids may be attributable to abnormalities in substances called growth factors. These special proteins, secreted by different cell types, are responsible for cell-to-cell interaction. Many of these substances regulate a process called angiogenesis, which causes new blood vessels to sprout from pre-existing ones. The production of new blood vessels then feeds any existing growth, such as a fibroid.
The growth factors that appear to play an important role in many female reproductive disorders are Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (BFGF) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). BFGFs are involved in the proliferation of cells that form connective tissue, which supports the body's organs and structure. VEGFs are involved with cell growth in smooth muscles that line blood vessels. Some evidence suggests they play a role in uterine fibroids.
Other growth factors being studied specifically for fibroids include Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-I, Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF), and Transforming Growth Factor (TGF).

3 Simple Ways To Prevent Or Even Reverse Complications From Diabetes

1. Never stop learning. If you were to interview 10 people that have diabetes you would be amazed at how little information they actually know on the subject of this disease. One of the hallmarks of a healthy diabetic is that they never stop learning. Continuous education is of the utmost importance for a diabetic to help prevent or even reverse the effects of this disease.In the field of diabetics there seems to be a never ending series of new information and new technology that can help diabetics live a longer and healthier lifestyle. Doctors are routinely coming up with major advances that you should know about.2. Become your diet's best friend. When faced with the reality that you have diabetes, watching the food that you eat and becoming highly conscious of nutrition is one practice that can save your life and prevent most complications in the future. Chances are that your health, obesity levels, and every day diet is of poor choice if you have just been diagnosed with diabetes. I say this because most adults who get diagnosed have led lives of very poor diet practices and eating entirely too much of the harmful foods.Becoming your diet's best friend means that you will want to watch every bite that you put in your mouth and ask yourself whether that bite is helping you or is going to deplete you of your body's needs. This means that you need to follow a diabetic diet. Ironically enough, a true diabetic diet is one that anybody can follow who wants to nourish their body and have a constant supply of energy, regardless whether you have diabetes or not. It is a great diet for everyone.3. Make exercise a habitual part of your everyday routine. As we mentioned above on the necessity of a sound diabetic diet to help prevent or reverse the effects of complications, exercise is equally important. People who have diabetes have to learn how to coordinate their food intake with the activity of their insulin.This can be a hard task to accomplish day in and day out and research has shown that people who are indeed having a tough time are lacking in daily exercise. However, other studies have shown that diabetics who exercise on a regular basis have little trouble when it comes to balancing their insulin and food. The type of exercise required for a diabetic to benefit from does not have to be long and tough marathons. All it takes are brisk walks throughout the day and as often as possible.

3 Diets That Type 2 Diabetics Should Avoid

If you have type 2 diabetes and are currently overweight then you probably have already been instructed by your doctor to lose weight and to get on a low-fat diet immediately. Every diet will probably work in the beginning, but you are special and you need to make sure that your diet is one that you can stick with for the long haul.You may want to ask yourself whether or not the diet that is planned for you is one that you can stay on for years to come. You should also want to research whether or not your current diet will provide enough nutrition on a daily basis that your body needs. And last but not least, you need to be sure that your diet will not only help you lose weight, but will also help control your blood glucose, as well as lower your blood fats.If all of your needs are met from the above questions, then you're probably set and can enjoy this diabetic diet without any problems. However, if you're unsure whether or not you'll enjoy this diet in the future, or if it's actually producing the results needed to your diabetic needs, then you may want to research more options.Watch Out For The Following DietsWhen you first decide to explore all of the publications on diabetes nutrition that are sold in bookstores, you're bound to come out more confused than ever before. This is because there seems to be no end of opinions on what makes a sound diet. The fact of the matter is that you are diabetic and there are specific needs that a diabetic must have within his or her diet. So when you are digging deep into your research, be very cautious about the following diets:1. Watch out for diets that praise low or no fat foods. Your body needs calories and when people stick to a diet that has little to no fats, they usually end up eating more and more carbohydrates to make up for the calories needed. And as you know, diabetics must pay extra special attention to their carbohydrate intake. Eating too many carbs can really disrupt your treatment. In addition, research has shown that it is quite healthy for the body to consume certain type of fats.2. Be careful of diets that promote eating a lot of protein while reducing carbohydrates to a minimum. While low fat diets tend to increase a person's carbohydrate intake, a low carbohydrate diet that promotes high protein intake tends to not give the body enough energy it needs, while causing many people to eat too much meat and saturated fat. This is the bad fat and it is not good for you all. 3. Ignore diets that instruct you to eat too few calories. Low calorie diets, although healthier than other types of diets, can be dangerous because your body can actually start to cannibalize itself in order to make up for the needed calories, nutrients, and macronutrients that it is not getting. Unfortunately, many people on a super low calorie diet end up looking emaciated and their energy levels reflect the same. And ultimately, many men and women cannot stick to this diet too long and when they begin eating normally their body goes into survival mode and starts to pack on extra fat-weight and at a rapid pace.

2 Dangerous Myths About Diabetes Dispelled

There are myths about virtually everything that one can think of, especially on the subject of diabetes. If you are a diabetic then it is important to wade through the untruths and understand the realities of living with this disease. Fortunately, most myths that you may hear about diabetes are not nearly as negative as they sound. In fact, many are just flat out lies. Below are a few myths about diabetes that you may or may not have heard:Myth #1: Becoming hypoglycemic can cause brain damage because it kills brain cells. The experience of hypoglycemia can come on extremely fast and leave a diabetic with an extreme headache that is accompanied by weakness and at times mass confusion. Because of these complications that result from hypoglycemia, people have assumed that this can link directly to the killing of brain cells and eventually destroy the function of your mind.However, studies upon studies over the years have proven that people that suffer from the effects of hypoglycemia do not lose any mental function whatsoever. Children on the other hand, may indeed experience some loss of mental functioning because their brains are still not fully developed.The good news is that the human body has an endless supply of hormones that are able to reverse the effects of hypoglycemia. And in addition to your body's defense mechanisms, there are things that a person can do directly to prevent hypoglycemia. For example, before embarking into heavy exercise be sure to check your blood glucose levels as well as keep with you an emergency supply of glucose that your body can absorb rapidly.Myth #2: Now that you have diabetes you cannot exercise. This is probably the most dangerous myth about diabetes that can have life or death consequences. In fact, the direct opposite is true. If anybody should exercise it is men and women that have diabetes! Routine exercise is probably the most beneficial preventative measure that a person can utilize in order to defend against complications that result from type 1 or type 2 diabetes.This does not mean that if you've never exercised in your life and are over the age of 40, then you should run out and start participating in marathons, but it does mean that you can slowly start conditioning your body with slow walks and light exercise that can increase in intensity over time.Is there ever a time when diabetes can prevent you from exercising? Of course, for example when a person is suffering because of a severe kidney infection, or hemorrhaging of the eyes, etc. However, this is just common sense and is not in any way, shape, or form a reason not to exercise on a daily basis once these symptoms subside.

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Diabetes can be a major factor in hair loss for a lot of people. The hair loss will normally begin at the onset of diabetes and gradually gets worse as the disease progresses. It is normal to shed some hair each day, but when the shedding rate exceeds the rate of re-growth, that is when you will start to notice thinning hair or bald patches.Hair has a growth cycle. A normal hair growth cycle will last for 2 to 6 years. The growth stage of the cycle is known as the anagen stage. Each hair on your head grows at a rate of approximately one half inch per month. Ninety percent of all the hair on your head is in the growth stage at one time. The other ten percent of your hair is in what is known as the telogen or resting phase. The resting phase will last for two to three months and then that hair is shed. New hair will start to grow from the same hair follicle to replace the shed hair. This cycle repeats itself over and over, year after year.Being a diabetic increases your chance of hair loss. Diabetics are more prone to get skin infections and other fungal infections that can affect the scalp. Stress from the disease can also cause hair loss. Certain medicines that you may be taking for diabetes or other conditions can also cause your hair to fall out.Getting your diabetes under control should be the first step that you take. Hair loss may stop after your blood sugar is under control and your body is able to function normally. Some hair loss may require medical treatment. If your hair loss is caused by a fungal infection, medication would be needed to get rid of the infection. Other hair loss medications may be beneficial in helping to regrow the hair that is lost. Talk to your doctor about the best option for you.If your hair loss appears to be more permanent, you may want to consider surgical intervention such as a hair transplant. This consists of taking hair from the back of the head and moving it to the areas of baldness. A candidate for hair transplant surgery is someone who has a fringe of hair along the sides and back of the head. This hair is used as donor hair and can be placed wherever needed. Diabetes can cause a lot of symptoms. Unfortunately, hair loss is one of them. It is vital that you maintain good blood sugar levels, follow your diabetic diet and start exercising. Lose those excess pounds and follow up with your doctor frequently. You may be able to halt the hair loss in it's tracks

Weight Loss Is Very Important If You Have Diabetes

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, one of the most important things that you can do is manage your weight. Being overweight can affect your blood sugar levels dramatically since fat cells can become resistant to insulin, causing your blood sugar levels to rise. Losing just 10-20 pounds can make a huge impact on your diabetes. In fact, getting down to your recommended weight can get you off of diabetic medicine and allow you to live a healthier lifestyle.You should never begin a weight loss diet on your own if you are a diabetic. Talk with your doctor and a diabetic educator. Set up an appointment to meet with a registered dietician. Losing weight on your own without the guidance of your doctor can be dangerous to a diabetic. Your diabetic medicines will probably need to be adjusted as you lose weight, so it is important to have your doctor involved.Start by cutting back by 500 calories per day. This is safe for most diabetics and will promote weight loss. The ideal goal is cut back on carbohydrates, proteins and fats equally. Your diet should consist of 50%-55% carbohydrates, 30% fats and 10%-15% proteins.Carbohydrates are very important in a diabetic diet. They have the biggest impact on blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates are broken down into sugars very early in the digestion process. It is important to get a refresher course on carbohydrates and how to measure them from the dietician. Watch your blood sugar levels carefully when following a weight loss plan. You are at an increased risk for becoming hypoglycemic, especially if you are exercising and losing weight but haven't adjusted your diabetic medications. If you start to feel nauseated, sweating or have trouble concentrating, have your blood sugar level checked immediately. It is a good idea to always carry fruit juices or other snacks with you.Different types of exercise affect your blood sugar levels in different ways. The aerobic exercises such as, running or anything that gets your heart rate up, will drop your blood sugar immediately. More strenuous exercise or weight lifting can drop your blood sugar hours later. It is important to plan accordingly for the type of exercising that you are doing. Over time this will not be a problem as you lose the weight and are able to reduce your diabetic medication or maybe stop it altogether.Do plenty of research on the best diabetic weight loss plans. Talk with your doctor and keep him updated frequently of your progress. Make sure that you follow a weight loss plan that is approved by your dietician or diabetic educator. Weight loss in never easy and it is a special challenge for someone with diabetes. However, the benefits of losing the weight far outweigh the alternative of living the rest of your life with diabetes.

Treatment of diabetes.

Pre-diabetes precedes the onset of type 2 diabetes. People who have pre-diabetes have fasting blood glucose levels that are 100 - 125 mg/dL -- higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be classified as diabetes. (Pre-diabetes used to be referred to as “impaired glucose tolerance.”) Pre-diabetes greatly increases the risk for diabetes.
Treatment of pre-diabetes is very important. Research shows that lifestyle and medical interventions can help prevent, or at least delay, the progression to diabetes. While doctors sometimes prescribe insulin-regulating drugs such as metformin (Glucophage) and acarbose (Precose), evidence indicates that lifestyle changes can be at least as effective as drug therapy. The most important lifestyle treatment for people with pre-diabetes is to lose weight through diet and regular exercise. Even a modest weight loss of 10 - 15 pounds can significantly reduce the risk of progressing to diabetes.
Because people with pre-diabetes have a higher risk for heart disease and stroke, diet and exercise are also very important for heart health, as is quitting smoking. It is also important to have your doctor check your cholesterol and blood pressure levels on a regular basis. Your doctor should also check your fasting blood glucose levels every 1 - 2 years.
The major treatment goals for people with type 2 diabetes are:
Treat all conditions that place patients at risk for heart disease and stroke, the major killers of people with type 2 diabetes.
Control blood glucose levels. The goal is to achieve fasting blood glucose levels of less than 110 mg/dL and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels of less than 7%. The objective is to reduce complications in small blood vessels and the nerve damage associated with diabetes.
In general, most people with type 2 diabetes should aim for HbA1c levels of less than 7%. However, patients who have heart disease or cardiovascular risk factors should talk to their doctor about individualized treatment goals for intensive blood sugar control.
An intensive multi-pronged approach is critical for reducing complications and improving survival rates in patients with diabetes. Intensive therapy includes:
Healthy lifestyle changes: Regular exercise, heart-healthy diet, quitting smoking.
Controlling blood sugar levels. Monitor blood sugar and hemoglobin HbA1c levels. Oral anti-hyperglycemic drugs such as metformin are first-line drug treatments. Insulin may eventually be needed.
Heart-protective drugs. These medications include various drugs to control high blood pressure (such as ACE inhibitors and diuretics) and cholesterol (statins and fibrates). Controlling high blood pressure is a proven factor in reducing mortality rates. Aspirin helps prevent blood clots and heart attack.

Exams and Tests of diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed with the following blood tests:
Fasting blood glucose level -- diabetes is diagnosed if higher than 126 mg/dL on 2 occasions.
Random (non-fasting) blood glucose level -- diabetes is suspected if higher than 200 mg/dL and accompanied by the classic symptoms of increased thirst, urination, and fatigue (this test must be confirmed with a fasting blood glucose test).
Oral glucose tolerance test -- diabetes is diagnosed if glucose level is higher than 200 mg/dL after 2 hours.

Symptoms of diabetes.

Often, people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms at all. If you do have symptoms, they may include:
Increased thirst
Increased urination
Increased appetite
Blurred vision
Frequent or slow-healing infections
Erectile dysfunction


Diabetes is caused by a problem in the way your body makes or uses insulin. Insulin is needed to move glucose (blood sugar) into cells, where it is used for energy.
If glucose does not get into the cells, the body cannot use it for energy. Too much glucose will then remain in the blood, causing the symptoms of diabetes.
There are several types of diabetes. This article focuses on type 2, which is usually accompanied by obesity and insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance means that insulin produced by your pancreas cannot get inside fat and muscle cells to produce energy. Since the cells are not getting the insulin they need, the pancreas produces more and more. Over time, abnormally high levels of sugar build up in the blood. This is called hyperglycemia. Many people with insulin resistance have hyperglycemia and high blood insulin levels at the same time. People who are overweight have a higher risk of insulin resistance, because fat interferes with the body's ability to use insulin.
Type 2 diabetes usually occurs gradually. Most people with the disease are overweight at the time of diagnosis. However, type 2 diabetes can also develop in those who are thin, especially the elderly.
Family history and genetics play a large role in type 2 diabetes. Low activity level, poor diet, and excess body weight (especially around the waist) significantly increase your risk for type 2 diabetes.
Other risk factors include:
Race/ethnicity (African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Native Americans all have high rates of diabetes)
Age greater than 45 years
Previously identified impaired glucose tolerance by your doctor
High blood pressure
HDL cholesterol of less than 35 mg/dL or triglyceride level of greater than 250 mg/dL
History of gestational diabetes.

Lower Back Pain - Causes and Cures by Kim Archer

About 80 percent of the population experiences back pain, frequently lower back pain, at some point in time. Since this is a problem which affects nearly everyone, it is important to know what the causes of lower back pain are. You also need to know how to control these factors to keep lower back pain to a minimum.
Causes of Lower Back Pain
As we age, we lose a lot of our body's natural muscle tone and elasticity. We also tend to lose bone strength as we age. Loss of fluid results in the discs in your spine becoming less flexible. This means that they do a less effective job of protecting the vertebrae. Simply growing older can be a cause of lower back pain.
A strain, sprain or spasm in your muscles or ligaments can result in the rupture of a spinal disc. This in turn places pressure on the nerves in your spinal cord. Our back lets us know about this with the neural signals we know as pain. So what causes your sprains, strains and spasms? Generally these are injuries which are caused by trying to lift heavy weights or overextending muscles.
Lower back pain can also be caused by diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis. Other causes include disc or joint irritation, viral infections, or spinal abnormalities.
Lower back pain can also be caused by various physical conditions. This includes smoking, being overweight, pregnancy, stress, bad posture and being in poor shape. Lower back pain and pain in the hips often appear together, increasing your discomfort. Scar tissue from previous injuries can also be a cause of lower back pain - this scar tissue buildup can even cause other, more serious injuries.
When to Worry About Lower Back Pain
You should take your lower back pain seriously if it comes along with other symptoms. Watch out for weakness in the muscles, particularly in the legs, loss of bowel or bladder control, fever or coughing. If your lower back pain is accompanied by these symptoms, contact your physician immediately. They may indicate a pinched nerve or other underlying problem. If you suffer from diabetes, your back pain might be related to neuropathy.
Avoiding Lower Back Pain
By taking good care of your back in daily life, most lower back pain can be avoided. Poor posture is often the root cause of lower back pain that never quite goes away. You can work on correcting this. Try exercises to build up strength in your lower back, stand up straight, and don't forget to use your legs to lift objects instead of your back. Be certain that you pay attention to workplace ergonomics while on the job. This will greatly impact your ability to prevent lower back pain.

How to lose your Belly, Burn Fat and get slim. Yes, it is possible! by J. Oberson

How to lose your Belly, Burn Fat and get slim. Yes, it is possible! Yes you can start seeing results this month!
So get ready to kiss your "fat clothes" goodbye once and for all! In case you're wondering, you won't need to go on an insane diet or become a triathlete to accomplish your goals.
The number 1 thing you can do is build some lean muscle mass. If you are a woman, don't worry. Building muscle will not make you look bulky. It would take eating 1,000's of calories, training hours a day, and possibly taking steroids for a woman to become bulky.
So what's so great about muscle...........
One of the greatest benefits of muscle is that it burns calories all day long to maintain itself. Every pound of lean muscle you have will burn additional calories round the clock without you having to do any additional exercise.
Muscle is also more dense than fat. A 150 lb woman that has 25% body fat could have a waist 4-5 inches larger than a woman who weighs 150 lbs and has 15% body fat.
Also muscle is firm to the touch and adds nice shape to your body (6-pack abs). Fat is well, lumpy, soft, and marshmallow- like.
You can start building lean muscle mass by doing resistance exercises. You can do bodyweight exercises: pushups, pull ups etc. You can also get a pair of dumbbells and do exercises at home, bench press, arm curls, squats etc. Don't forget to do crunches /reverse crunches to help slim your stomach. You just need to build up to 3 sets of 8-12 reps for the resistance exercises and around 2-3 sets of 20-30 reps for the crunches.
This can be done 3 days a week in around 20 minutes.
By building lean muscle you have taken one of the most important steps to lose your belly, burn fat and get slim.

Toe Nail Infection - A Way To Get Rid Of A Nasty Toe Nail Infection Without Going To The Doctor? by Elliott Hairston

There is nothing worse then having toe nail infection. The infection can cause your toes to become very ugly and sore. The thought of walking around barefoot in public is out of the question. Now, there are some treatments for nail infection, but you must used them as directed.
Infection Under Toe Nail Symptoms
If you notice that your toe nails are getting thicker and changing color, you have already developed an infection. Also, if your toes are hurting, your nails have started to flake and if you see spots on your nails, these are signs you already have the infection.
Stop A Toe Nail Infection Before It Begins
Take precautions when using public gyms, showers and other places, this will prevent you from getting an infection and it will stop you from spreading it, if you have it. You must understand that fungus hangs out in dark and moist places. Wearing flip flops or sandals while using public places is a good way to prevent the infection from reoccurring.
Be careful when you are trimming you nails, you do not want to trim them so close that it causes you to cut your other toes, because this will cause the infection to spread to your other toes as well. Change your socks everyday, as many times as you can. Let your toes get some air whenever possible.
Toe Nail Infection Treatment
There are drugs prescribed by doctors that you can take. There are two things wrong with this method, the drugs are expensive and the doctor visits are expensive. Ask your doctor if there are any side effects to these drugs. In most case these drugs can cause liver and kidneys damage.
Most people have found out that most of the over the counter treatment for nail fungus does not seem to work fast enough, if they even work at all.
There is a way to get rid of a nasty nail infection without going to the doctor. All you need is a toe nail infection treatment product that will get the job done. If you are tired of the smell and the look of your toes, a little research is all you need to do, and speak with you doctor if you have to take some type of pill.

Signs and Symptoms of Asthma by StephB.

Asthma is known as an inflammation of the bronchial passages in the lungs. It occurs when the passages become constricted. It̢۪s usually set off by specific triggers which are unique to those who suffer from it. Asthma is called an obstructive lung disease because it̢۪s known to cause resistance to exhaled air. Asthma is a lung condition that fits into the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) listing along with bronchitis and emphysema.
Doctors don̢۪t know what causes Asthma, but there are some factors and theories that they are examining. Everyone who suffers from asthma has sensitivity to various triggers. It̢۪s theorized that some are born with a tendency to have asthma and so scientists and doctors are currently trying to find genes that might be behind the cause. Also, the environment one lives in partly determines asthma attacks. Some risk factors involved in developing asthma include allergic rhinitis (hay fever), eczema, which is an allergy that affects the skin, and a genetic predisposition. Not surprisingly, hay fever, or rhinitis, is the biggest risk factor for developing asthma.
Asthma can̢۪t be cured, but it can be controlled. By managing asthma, most all who suffer from it can have a productive life. Not everyone who has asthma experiences symptoms in the same way. So while the symptoms are common, the experience is individual.
Some of the most common symptoms are coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, gasping for breath, chest tightness, pain or pressure. A simple device to measure how well your lungs are working is a peak flow meter and it can help determine if there̢۪s a need to increase medication to help you manage your asthma better.
Asthma has several triggers. For me, my asthma was exercise induced. Growing up, I did not have asthma, but after an operation when I was twenty-three, I developed exercise induced asthma. As I read my paperwork for the operation, after the fact, I discovered that asthma was listed as a side effect from undergoing general anesthesia.
Other triggers include tobacco, polluted air, respiratory irritants such as perfumes or cleaning products, mold, dry weather, sulfites, (which are additives found in some food and wine) and surprisingly, menstruation.
Asthma attacks have several different classifications depending on the severity of the attack. When attack are infrequent, no more than twice a week, the asthma is known to be mild-intermittent. Mild persistent are more than two attacks a week, but not everyday with some occurring at night. They might disrupt regular activities. Daily attacks and night time symptoms that occur more than once are known as moderate-persistent and are managed using quick relief medication. Severe-persistent attacks involve frequent attacks that limit daily activities.
Asthma is manageable under a doctor̢۪s care. By knowing the symptoms and the triggers for you, you can react to an attack quickly and get it under control.

Eating Right for Your Type - Beyond Diets by Lauren Chandler

Whether you want to lose weight, reduce body fat or put on muscle, you'll find 'experts' touting all sorts of pills, magic hormone supplements, genie in a bottle shake drinks, even surgical procedures to help you reach your goals. The safest and most effective way to achieve such goals is to eat right for your metabolic types. You can’t fill your car with diesel when it was designed for gasoline and expect it to run at peak performance. If you wish to avoid living through the expression of your potential genetic flaws, you must do your very best to determine which fuel sources meet your genetic requirements so that you can accentuate your genetic strength instead. The good news is that you can slim down without being hungry while feeding your body what it needs ��" and when it needs it ��" so that you have a fighting chance to deal with the social, economic and environmental stressors inherent in modern life. The notion of individuality in diet is the key. There can never be any one diet or product that works for everyone. We must all discover which formula works for our biochemical and cultural individuality. In 1956, Roger Williams, a famous biochemist, published a book entitled Biochemical Individuality. This unique and highly respected book outlined many of the anatomical variations that exist within each of us. For example, Williams revealed that there are variances in the size, shape, location and capacity of virtually all of our internal organs. He showed that there is a tremendous difference in metabolic rate from one person to the next, even from as early as two years of age. He found wide variations in water content and in oxygen carrying capacity of the blood from one person to the next. In short, just as we all look different on the outside; we also function differently on the inside and have different nutritional needs. Price, along with other pioneering doctors who studied native cultures during the first half of the twentieth century, found that many of these peoples enjoyed robust health and had excellent physiques ��" until they adopted what Price referred to as a ‘white man’s diet’ (refined and processed foods that included white sugar, flour, pasteurized milk and hydrogenated vegetable oils.) In his contact with people consuming a ‘primitive diet,’ Price had never seen a case of malignant disease until their diets became ‘modernized.’ Many diet and nutrition ‘experts’ today seem to emphasize the harm caused by certain foods like high meat diets, rather than looking to the source of the foods. Nutritional experts such as Sally Fallon and Dr. Nary Enig of the Weston A. Price Foundation, along with William Wolcott, author of The Metabolic Typing Diet, emphasize the importance of eating balanced meals, both for improved nutrient availability and for purposes of digestive efficiency. The importance of eating balanced meals means something different for each metabolic type. Though few of us are really sure of our genetic heritage, we need to return to a diet similar to the one that each of our systems is designed to eat. A metabolic typing test is used to determine which foods and in what amounts are best for you. There are a number of factors that influence your optimal macronutrient ratio at any given time. Our goal is to fine-tune your senses so that you become acutely aware from meal to meal what your body needs to optimise your genetic potential and suppress your genetic weaknesses.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) continues to support a comprehensive, multidisciplinary program of research on N. gonorrhoeae (gonococci). Researchers are trying to understand how gonococci infect cells while evading defenses of the human immune system. Studies are ongoing to find
How this bacterium attaches to host cells
How it gets inside cells
Gonococcal surface structures and how they can change
Human response to infection by gonococci
Together, these efforts have led to, and will lead to, further improvements in diagnosis and treatment of gonorrhea. They also may lead to development of an effective vaccine against gonorrhea.
Another important area of gonorrhea research concerns antibiotic resistance. This is particularly important because strains of N. gonorrhoeae that are resistant to recommended antibiotic treatments has been increasing and is becoming widespread in the United States. These events add urgency to conduct research on and develop new antibiotics and to prevent antibiotic resistance from spreading.
NIAID also supports research to develop topical microbicides (preparations that can be inserted into the vagina to prevent infection) that are effective and easy for women to use. Recently, scientists have determined the complete genome (genetic blueprint) for N. gonorrhoeae. They are using this information to help them better understand how the bacterium causes disease and becomes resistant to antibiotics.


In untreated gonorrhea infections, the bacteria can spread up into the reproductive tract, or more rarely, can spread into the blood stream and infect the joints, heart valves, or the brain.
The most common result of untreated gonorrhea is PID. Gonococcal PID often appears immediately after the menstrual period. PID causes scar tissue to form in the fallopian tubes. If the tube is partially scarred, the fertilized egg may not be able to pass into the uterus. If this happens, the embryo may implant in the tube causing a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. This serious complication may result in a miscarriage and can cause death of the mother.
In men, gonorrhea causes epididymitis, a painful condition of the testicles that can lead to infertility if left untreated. Also, gonorrhea affects the prostate gland and may cause scarring in the urine canal.
Rarely, untreated gonorrhea can spread through the blood to the joints. This can cause an inflammation of the joints, which is very serious.
If you are infected with gonorrhea, your risk of getting HIV infection increases. Therefore, it is extremely important for you to either prevent yourself from getting gonorrhea or get treated early if you already are infected with it.
Complications in newborns and children
If you are pregnant and have gonorrhea, you may give the infection to your baby as it passes through the birth canal during delivery. A health care provider can prevent infection of your baby's eyes by applying silver nitrate or other medicine to the eyes immediately after birth.
Because of the risks from gonococcal infection to both you and your baby, health experts recommend that pregnant women have at least one test for gonorrhea during prenatal care.
When gonorrhea occurs in the genital tract, mouth, or rectum of a child, it is due most commonly to sexual abuse.


The surest way to avoid transmission of STIs is to abstain from sexual contact or be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and is not infected.
By using latex condoms correctly and consistently during vaginal or rectal sexual activity, you can reduce your risk of getting gonorrhea and developing complications.


Health care providers usually prescribe a single dose of one of the following antibiotics to treat gonorrhea.
Single-dose cephalosporin regimens
If you are pregnant, or are younger than 18 years old, you should not be treated with certain types of antibiotics. Your health care provider can prescribe the best and safest antibiotic for you.
Gonorrhea and chlamydia often infect people at the same time. Therefore, health care providers usually prescribe a combination of antibiotics, which will treat both diseases.
If you have gonorrhea, all of your sexual partners should get tested and then treated if infected, whether or not they have symptoms. Health experts also recommend that you not have sex until your infected partners have been treated.


Health care providers usually use three laboratory tests to diagnose gonorrhea.
Staining samples directly for the bacteria
Detecting bacterial genes or DNA in urine
Growing the bacteria in laboratory cultures
Many providers prefer to use more than one test to increase the chance of an accurate diagnosis.
You usually can get the staining test results while in your doctor's office or in a clinic. This test is quite accurate for men but not so in women. Only one in two women with gonorrhea has a positive stain.
More often, health care providers use urine or cervical swabs for a new test that detects the genes of the bacteria. These tests are more accurate than culturing the bacteria.
The laboratory culture test involves placing a sample of the discharge onto a culture plate. The health care provider also can take a culture to detect gonorrhea in the throat. Culture also allows testing for drug-resistant bacteria.


The bacteria are carried in semen and vaginal fluids and cause a discharge in men and women. A small number of people may be infected for several months without showing symptoms.
For women, the early symptoms of gonorrhea often are mild. Symptoms usually appear within 2 to 10 days after sexual contact with an infected partner. When women have symptoms, the first ones may include
Bleeding during vaginal intercourse
Painful or burning sensations when urinating
Yellow or bloody vaginal discharge
More advanced symptoms, which may indicate development of PID, include cramps and pain, bleeding between menstrual periods, vomiting, or fever.
Men have symptoms more often than women, including
White, yellow, or green pus from the penis with pain
Burning sensations during urination that may be severe
Swollen or painful testicles
If left untreated, men could experience prostate complications and epididymitis (inflammation of the testicles).
Symptoms of rectal infection include discharge, anal itching, and occasional painful bowel movements with fresh blood in the feces. Symptoms typically appear 2 to 5 days after infection but could appear as long as 30 days.


You can get gonorrhea during vaginal, oral, or anal sex with an infected partner.
If you are pregnant and have gonorrhea, you may give the infection to your baby as it passes through your birth canal during delivery.


Gonorrhea is caused by bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. These bacteria can infect the genital tract, mouth, and rectum of both men and women. In women the opening to the uterus (cervix) is the first place of infection.


Gonorrhea is a curable sexually transmitted infection (STI). It is the second most commonly reported bacterial STI in the United States following chlamydia. In 2004, 330,132 cases of gonorrhea were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When examining race and ethnicity, age, and gender, the highest rates of gonorrhea were found in African Americans, 15 to 24 years of age, and women, respectively.
Gonorrhea can spread into the uterus and fallopian tubes, resulting in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID affects more than 1 million women in this country every year and can cause tubal (ectopic) pregnancy and infertility in as many as 10 percent of infected women. In addition to gonorrhea playing a major role in PID, some health researchers think it adds to the risk of getting HIV infection.


The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) supports research on genital herpes and HSV. Studies are currently underway to develop better treatments for the millions of people who suffer from genital herpes. While some scientists are carrying out clinical trials to determine the best way to use existing medicines, others are studying the biology of HSV. NIAID scientists have identified certain genes and enzymes (proteins) that the virus needs to survive. They are hopeful that drugs aimed at disrupting these viral targets might lead to the design of more effective treatments.
Meanwhile, other researchers are devising methods to control the virus’ spread. Two important means of preventing HSV infection are vaccines and topical microbicides.
Several different vaccines are in various stages of development. These include vaccines made from proteins on the HSV cell surface, peptides or chains of amino acids, and the DNA of the virus itself. NIAID and GlaxoSmithKline are supporting a large clinical trial in women of an experimental vaccine that may help prevent transmission of genital herpes. The Herpevac Trial is being conducted at more than 50 sites in the U.S. and Canada.
Topical microbicides, preparations containing microbe-killing compounds, are also in various stages of development and testing. These include gels, creams, or lotions that a woman could insert into the vagina prior to intercourse to prevent infection. The NIAID Sexually Transmitted Infections Clinical Trials Group is conducting a Phase 1 study to evaluate the safety of a microbicide gel to prevent genital herpes.
An NIAID-supported clinical trial demonstrated that once-daily suppressive therapy using valacyclovir significantly reduces risk of transmission of genital herpes to an uninfected partner. This is the first time an antiviral medication had been shown to reduce the risk of transmission of an STI. This strategy may contribute to preventing the spread of genital herpes.


Genital herpes infections usually do not cause serious health problems in healthy adults. In some people whose immune systems do not work properly, however, genital herpes outbreaks can be unusually severe and long lasting.
Occasionally, people with normal immune systems can get herpes infection of the eye, called ocular herpes. Ocular herpes is usually caused by HSV-1 but sometimes by HSV-2. It can occasionally result in serious eye disease, including blindness.
A woman with herpes who is pregnant can pass the infection to her baby. A baby born with herpes might die or have serious brain, skin, or eye problems. Pregnant women who have herpes, or whose sex partner has herpes should discuss the situation with her health care provider. Together they can make a plan to reduce her or her baby’s risk of getting infected. Babies who are born with herpes do better if the disease is recognized and treated early.
Genital herpes, like other genital diseases that cause sores, is important in the spread of HIV infection. A person infected with herpes may have a greater risk of getting HIV. This may be due to the open sores caused by the herpes infection or by other factors in the immune system. In addition, HIV-positive people may be more contagious for herpes.


Because herpes can be transmitted from someone who has no symptoms, using the precautions listed below is not enough to prevent transmission. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration approved Valtrex for use in preventing transmission of genital herpes. It has to be taken continuously by the infected person, and while it significantly decreases the risk of the transmission of herpes, transmission can still occur.
Do not have oral-genital contact if you or your sexual partner has any symptoms or findings of oral herpes.
Using barriers such as latex condoms during sexual activity may decrease transmission when you use them consistently and correctly, but transmission can still occur since condoms may not cover all infected areas.
You can get tested to find out if you are infected with the herpes virus.


Although there is no cure for genital herpes, your health care provider might prescribe an antiviral medicine to treat your symptoms and to help prevent future outbreaks. This can decrease the risk of passing herpes to sexual partners. Medicines to treat genital herpes are
Acyclovir (Zovirax)
Famciclovir (Famvir)
Valacyclovir (Valtrex)


Your health care provider can diagnose typical genital herpes by looking at the sores. Some cases, however, are more difficult to diagnose.
The virus sometimes, but not always, can be detected by a laboratory test called a culture. A culture is done when your health care provider uses a swab to get and study material from a suspected herpes sore. You may still have genital herpes, however, even if your culture is negative (which means it does not show HSV).
A blood test called type-specific test can tell whether you are infected with HSV-1 or HSV-2. The type-specific test results plus the location of the sores will help your health care provider to find out whether you have genital infection.
Coping with herpes
A diagnosis of genital herpes can have substantial emotional effects on you and your sexual partner, whether or not you have symptoms. Proper counseling and treatment can help you and your partner learn to cope with the disease, recurrent episodes, personal relationships, and fertility issues.


Symptoms of herpes are called outbreaks. The first outbreak appears within 2 weeks after you become infected and can last for several weeks. These symptoms might include tingling or sores (lesions) near the area where the virus has entered your body, such as on your genital or rectal area, on your buttocks or thighs. Occasionally, these sores may appear on other parts of your body where the virus has entered through broken skin. Sores also can appear inside the vagina and on the cervix (opening to the womb) in women, or in the urinary passage of women and men. Small red bumps appear first, develop into small blisters, and then become itchy, painful sores that might develop a crust and will heal without leaving a scar.
Sometimes, there is a crack or raw area or some redness without pain, itching, or tingling. Other symptoms that may accompany the first (and less often future) outbreak of genital herpes are fever, headache, muscle aches, painful or difficult urination, vaginal discharge, and swollen glands in the groin area.
Often, though, people don’t recognize their first or subsequent outbreaks. People who have mild or no symptoms at all may not think they are infected with herpes. They can still transmit the virus to others, however.
Recurrence of herpes outbreaks
In most people, the virus can become active and cause outbreaks several times a year. This is called a recurrence, and infected people can have symptoms. HSV remains in certain nerve cells of your body for life. When the virus is triggered to be active, it travels along the nerves to your skin. There, it makes more virus and sometimes new sores near the site of the first outbreak. Recurrences are generally much milder than the first outbreak of genital herpes. HSV-2 genital infection is more likely to result in recurrences than HSV-1 genital infection. Recurrences become less common over time.
Symptoms from recurrences might include itching, tingling, vaginal discharge, and a burning feeling or pain in the genital or anal area. Sores may be present during a recurrence, but sometimes they are small and easily overlooked.
Sometimes, the virus can become active but not cause any visible sores or any symptoms. During these times, small amounts of the virus may be shed at or near places of the first infection, in fluids from the mouth, penis, or vagina, or from barely noticeable sores. This is called asymptomatic shedding. Even though you are not aware of the shedding, you can infect a sexual partner during this time. Asymptomatic shedding is an important factor in the spread of herpes.


If you have genital herpes infection, you can easily pass or transmit the virus to an uninfected partner during sex.
Most people get genital herpes by having sex with someone who is shedding the herpes virus either during an outbreak or an asymptomatic (without symptoms) period. People who do not know they have herpes play an important role in transmission because they are unaware they can infect a sexual partner.
You can transmit herpes through close contact other than sexual intercourse, through oral sex or close skin-to-skin contact, for example.
The virus is spread rarely, if at all, by objects such as a toilet seat or hot tub.
Reduce your risk of spreading herpes
People with herpes should follow a few simple steps to avoid spreading the infection to other places on their body or other people.
Avoid touching the infected area during an outbreak, and wash your hands after contact with that area.
Do not have sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal) from the time of your first genital symptoms until your symptoms are completely gone.


Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two types of HSV.
HSV type 1 most commonly infects the mouth and lips, causing sores known as fever blisters or cold sores.
HSV type 2 is the usual cause of genital herpes, but it also can infect the mouth.


Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 out of 5 American teenagers and adults is infected with genital herpes. Women are more commonly infected than men. In the United States, 1 out of 4 women has herpes.
Although at least 45 million people in the United States have genital herpes infection, there has been a substantial decrease in cases from 21 percent to 17 percent, according to a 1999 to 2004 CDC survey. Much of the decrease was in the 14 to 19 year age group, and continued through the young adult group.


In June 2006, FDA approved Gardasil, the first vaccine developed to prevent cervical cancer, precancerous lesions, and genital warts due to HPV types 6,11,16, and 18. FDA licensed the vaccine for use in girls and women aged 9 to 26 years.Researchers continue to work on another vaccine for HPV to help protect against HPV types 16 and 18.


Some types of HPV can cause cervical cancer. Other types are associated with vulvar cancer, anal cancer, oral cancer, and cancer of the penis (a rare cancer).
Most HPV infections do not progress to cervical cancer. If you are a woman with abnormal cervical cells, a Pap smear will detect them. If you have abnormal cervical cells, it is particularly important for you to have regular pelvic exams and Pap smears so you can be treated early, if necessary.
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Genital warts may cause a number of problems during pregnancy. Because genital warts can multiply and become brittle, your health care provider will discuss options for their removal, if necessary.
Genital warts also may be removed to ensure a safe and healthy delivery of the newborn. Sometimes they get larger during pregnancy, making it difficult to urinate if the warts are in the urinary tract. If the warts are in the vagina, they can make the vagina less elastic and cause obstruction during delivery.
Rarely, infants born to women with genital warts develop warts in their throats (respiratory papillomatosis). Although uncommon, it is a potentially life-threatening condition for the child, requiring frequent laser surgery to prevent blocking of the breathing passages. Research on the use of interferon therapy with laser surgery indicates that this drug may show promise in slowing the course of the disease


The best way to prevent getting an HPV infection is to avoid direct contact with the virus, which is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. If you or your sexual partner has warts that can be seen in the genital area, you should avoid any skin-to-skin and sexual contact until the warts are treated.Recently, the Food and and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a vaccine called Gardasil. Gardasil is highly effective in preventing persistent infection with HPV types 16 and 18, two "high-risk" HPVs that cause most (70 percent) of cervical cancers, and types 6 and 11, which cause virtually all (90 percent) of genital warts.Gardasil has not been proven to provide complete protection against persistent infection with other HPV types, some of which also can cause cervical canter. Therefore, about 30 percent of cervical cancers and 10 percent of genital warts will not be prevented by the current vaccine. In addition, Gardasil does not prevent other STIs, nor does it treat HPV infection or cervical cancer.


There are treatments for genital warts, though the warts often disappear even without treatment. There is no way to predict whether the warts will grow or disappear. Therefore, if you suspect you have genital warts, you should be examined and treated, if necessary.
Depending on factors such as the size and location of your genital warts, your health care provider will offer you one of several ways to treat them.
Imiquimod cream
20 percent podophyllin antimitotic solution
0.5 percent podofilox solution
5 percent 5-fluorouracil cream
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
If you are pregnant, you should not use podophyllin or podofilox because they are absorbed by your skin and may cause birth defects in your baby. In addition, you should not use 5-fluorouracil cream if you are pregnant.
If you have small warts, your health care provider can remove them by one of three methods.
Freezing (cryosurgery)
Burning (electrocautery)
Laser treatment
If you have large warts that have not responded to other treatment, you may have to have surgery to remove them.
Some health care providers inject the antiviral drug alpha interferon directly into warts that have returned after removal by traditional means. The drug is expensive, however, and does not reduce the rate that the genital warts return.
Although treatments can get rid of the warts, none get rid of the virus. Because the virus is still present in your body, warts often come back after treatment.


Your health care provider usually diagnoses genital warts by seeing them.
If you are a woman with genital warts, you also should be examined for possible HPV infection of the cervix. Your health care provider can diagnose HPV infection based on results from an abnormal Pap smear, a primary cancer-screening tool for cervical cancer or pre-cancerous changes of the cervix. In some cases, a health care provider will take a small piece of tissue from the cervix and examine it under the microscope.
Another test to diagnose HPV infection detects HPV DNA, which may indicate possible infection.
Your provider may be able to identify some otherwise invisible warts in your genital tissue by applying vinegar (acetic acid) to areas of your body that might be infected. This solution causes infected areas to whiten, which makes them more visible.


In women, genital warts occur on the outside and inside of the vagina, on the opening to the uterus (cervix), or around the anus.
In men, genital warts are less common. If present, they usually are seen on the tip of the penis. They also may be found on the shaft of the penis, on the scrotum, or around the anus.
Rarely, genital warts also can develop in your mouth or throat if you have oral sex with an infected person.
Like many STIs, genital HPV infections often do not have signs and symptoms that you can see or feel. One study sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) reported that almost half of women infected with HPV had no obvious symptoms.
If you are infected but have no symptoms, you can still spread HPV to your sexual partner and/or develop complications from the virus.