Sunday, August 24, 2008

Eating Right for Your Type - Beyond Diets by Lauren Chandler

Whether you want to lose weight, reduce body fat or put on muscle, you'll find 'experts' touting all sorts of pills, magic hormone supplements, genie in a bottle shake drinks, even surgical procedures to help you reach your goals. The safest and most effective way to achieve such goals is to eat right for your metabolic types. You can’t fill your car with diesel when it was designed for gasoline and expect it to run at peak performance. If you wish to avoid living through the expression of your potential genetic flaws, you must do your very best to determine which fuel sources meet your genetic requirements so that you can accentuate your genetic strength instead. The good news is that you can slim down without being hungry while feeding your body what it needs ��" and when it needs it ��" so that you have a fighting chance to deal with the social, economic and environmental stressors inherent in modern life. The notion of individuality in diet is the key. There can never be any one diet or product that works for everyone. We must all discover which formula works for our biochemical and cultural individuality. In 1956, Roger Williams, a famous biochemist, published a book entitled Biochemical Individuality. This unique and highly respected book outlined many of the anatomical variations that exist within each of us. For example, Williams revealed that there are variances in the size, shape, location and capacity of virtually all of our internal organs. He showed that there is a tremendous difference in metabolic rate from one person to the next, even from as early as two years of age. He found wide variations in water content and in oxygen carrying capacity of the blood from one person to the next. In short, just as we all look different on the outside; we also function differently on the inside and have different nutritional needs. Price, along with other pioneering doctors who studied native cultures during the first half of the twentieth century, found that many of these peoples enjoyed robust health and had excellent physiques ��" until they adopted what Price referred to as a ‘white man’s diet’ (refined and processed foods that included white sugar, flour, pasteurized milk and hydrogenated vegetable oils.) In his contact with people consuming a ‘primitive diet,’ Price had never seen a case of malignant disease until their diets became ‘modernized.’ Many diet and nutrition ‘experts’ today seem to emphasize the harm caused by certain foods like high meat diets, rather than looking to the source of the foods. Nutritional experts such as Sally Fallon and Dr. Nary Enig of the Weston A. Price Foundation, along with William Wolcott, author of The Metabolic Typing Diet, emphasize the importance of eating balanced meals, both for improved nutrient availability and for purposes of digestive efficiency. The importance of eating balanced meals means something different for each metabolic type. Though few of us are really sure of our genetic heritage, we need to return to a diet similar to the one that each of our systems is designed to eat. A metabolic typing test is used to determine which foods and in what amounts are best for you. There are a number of factors that influence your optimal macronutrient ratio at any given time. Our goal is to fine-tune your senses so that you become acutely aware from meal to meal what your body needs to optimise your genetic potential and suppress your genetic weaknesses.

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