Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Pepper is a spice, food and condiment, rich in vitamins and increase appetite, alleviate gas and enhance effective blood circulation.
Little wonder why people acquitted with its nutritional values barely spend a day without eating food spiced with pepper. If we may ask how important is for us to eat spicy food? Pepper sets one’s tongue on fire and make one shed tears like a baby, does pepper help the body in any way?
Pepper contains high percentage of vitamins like; vitamin B1,B6,folic acid and vitamin C which boosts the immune system. Pepper is also rich in vitamin B2,A,protein,calcium,zinc and beta-carotene. Studies have shown that 1 small chilli pepper among the several varieties of pepper has more vitamin C than 1 lemon or orange, as well as 50 percentage of the daily recommended dosage of vitamin A. The spicy portion called capsaicin can be extracted and turned into medicine that could be used for headache,bloatness and skin disorder.
A further research has it that pepper is good for the heart and is recommended for hypertensive and ulcer patient,Reumatism/Arthritis patient can apply a mixture of cayenne pepper and Shea butter on their leg, as it enhances free blood circulation. Despite the several complains that pepper is hot on the tongue, some people, mostly those in the riverine areas of Nigeria and some other parts of the world prefers very spicy food. Some people claim something appears missing if they don’t eat spicy food or fish and raw pepper. The spicier the food the better. There are several varieties of pepper ranging from the green bell pepper, which can be consumed in different forms;raw,cooked roasted or in vegetable platters. The chilli pepper can be used for sauce, food and stew, while Anaheim pepper is primarily used for paste when dried.
Note; if you touch the chilli pepper by accident and feel the burning sensation on your skin, you can use lemon or lime juice to wash out the area and this will alleviate the burning sensation. If you accidentally eat chilli pepper, you can drink milk because it has casein, which helps to alleviate the spicness
John njikanma
www.healthmirrow.blogspot.com, www.herbalview.blogspot.com.


The treatment of diabetes could be about to take a leap forward with the help of a south American frog. A compound found on the skin of the paradoxical frog-so called because the tadpole is much larger than the adult-boosts the production of insulin.
Scientists have made a synthetic version of the compound they hope will turn into pill to treat Britain’s two million sufferers of type 2 diabetes.
A compound found on the skin of the paradoxical frog boosts the production of insulin. The most common form of diabetes, it usually occurs after the age of 40. Sufferers do not make enough insulin, a hormone key in converting sugar into energy, or make insulin that doesn’t work properly.
Blood sugar levels are initially kept in check through a tightly controlled diet and exercise regime. But worsening of the condition over time means most suffers will need tablets or insulin injections as they get older. With not all tablets suiting everyone, the paradoxical frog-found in ponds, lakes and lagoons in the Amazon and Trinidad-could provide an alternative. Study of the frog at Ulster university has revealed that the skin that boosts the insulin production. Tests show a synthetic version of the compound, known as pseudin-2, can greatly increase the amount of insulin made. Researcher Dr Yasser Abdelwahab,who will present his findings at a diabetes conference in Glasgow, said “ now we needed but there is a growing body of work around natural anti-diabetic drug discovery that is already yielding fascinating results.
Douglas Smallwood, chief executive of Diabetes uk,said, good diabetes control reduces the risk of complications including blindness, heart disease, kidney problems and amputation, so new treatments are vital.
The drug, which is still many years away from the market, is likely only to benefit sufferers of type 2 diabetes. In type 1,or childhood diabetes, the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas are likely to be too damaged for pseudin-2 to be effective.
Also known as the shrinking frog, the paradoxical frog gets its name because of the contrast between the tadpole and adult frog. While the tadpole can be up to 10 inches long, the adult frog is around two inches long.
Drinking black tea could also help combat type 2 diabetes, say scientists at Dundee University. They found that components of black tea known as the aflavins and the arubigins mimic the action of insulin. But Dr Graham Rena, whose research is reported in the journal Aging cell, said : “People shouldn’t be rushing to drink masses of black tea thinking it will cure them Diabetes. We are still on the way from this leading to new treatments, until the final result is made known, keep posted and pray it will never take long. John njikanma

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


For one reason or another, a woman’s ovulation can sometimes be delayed. She will then miss her menses and wrongly think she is pregnant. However, it sometimes happens that when ovulation returns she immediately conceives and so will continue to miss her menses because she is now pregnant. If the time of her pregnancy is counted from the date of her last menses she will wrongly think she is 10 or 11 months pregnant before delivery.

Before ovulation, a woman normally has a special kind of discharge, known as ovulation mucus.

Irritation of the vagina is most commonly caused b y a fungus infection, which people can develop without any sexual intercourse. It is not a serious condition but can be very distressing. Unfortunately many women try to cure it themselves with capsules of antibiotics.
This makes it worse. A doctor would advised the use of antifungal vaginal tablets twice a day, even during her menses. This should be continued for at least a week after all irritation has ceased. Also more than ordinary hygiene with underclothes is required.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dangers Of Smoking

Almost everybody knows that smoking is bad for the health. Images of blackened lungs line school hallways and hospital waiting rooms, but despite this people continue to take up smoking. This may have to do with the pervasive romantic image of smoking -- an image that has nothing in common with reality.There are many ways to take tobacco. You can chew it, inhale it through the nose, and smoke it in the form of cigars or cigarettes. No matter how it's taken it is dangerous, but because smoking is the most popular way to consume tobacco it has also received the greatest attention from the medical field and the media.When a smoker inhales a puff of cigarette smoke the large surface area of the lungs allows nicotine to pass into the blood stream almost immediately. It is this nicotine "hit" that smokers crave, but there is a lot more to smoke than just nicotine. In fact, there are more than 4000 chemical substances that make up cigarette smoke and many of them are toxic.Cigarette smoke is composed of 43 carcinogenic substances and more than 400 other toxins that can also be found in wood varnish, nail polish remover, and rat poison. All of these substances accumulate in the body and can cause serious problems to the heart and lungs.Cancer is the most common disease associated with smoking. Smoking is the cause of 90% of lung cancer cases and is related to 30% of all cancer fatalities. Other smoking-related cancers include cancers of the mouth, pancreas, urinary bladder, kidney, stomach, esophagus, and larynx.Besides cancer, smoking is also related to several other diseases of the lungs. Emphysema and bronchitis can be fatal and 75% of all deaths from these diseases are linked to smoking.Smokers have shorter lives than non-smokers. On average, smoking takes 15 years off your life span. This can be explained by the high rate of exposure to toxic substances which are found in cigarette smoke.Smokers also put others at risk. The dangers of breathing in second-hand smoke are well known. Smokers harm their loved ones by exposing them to the smoke they exhale. All sorts of health problems are related to breathing in second-hand smoke. Children are especially susceptible to the dangers of second-hand smoke because their internal organs are still developing. Children exposed to second-hand smoke are more vulnerable to asthma, sudden infant death syndrome, bronchitis, pneumonia, and ear infections.Smoking can also be dangerous for unborn children. Mothers who smoke are more likely to suffer from miscarriages, bleeding and nausea, and babies of smoking mothers have reduced birth weights or may be premature. These babies are more susceptible to sudden infant death syndrome and may also have lifelong health complications due to chest infections and asthma.It is never too late to give up smoking, even those who have smoked for 20 years or more can realize tremendous health benefits from giving up the habit.

Quitting The Habit – How To Choose The Right Method?

Once you have made the decision to quit smoking, you should choose a method to help you overcome the habit. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, so it's a good idea to examine all of them before deciding.No matter which method you choose, it is important to have the support and encouragement of family and friends. You can quit smoking on your own but you are more likely to succeed if you have moral support from the people around you.For most people, the desire to smoke comes in waves. One way to deal with those waves is to pick up the phone and talk to someone who knows that you are trying to quit. This has the dual benefit of offering some distraction as well as getting encouragement in your battle against tobacco.Ways to QuitCold Turkey - If you have a great deal of willpower and a strong desire to quit smoking, you may be able to do it cold turkey. Quitting cold turkey means that you simply stop -- no intermediate steps, just going from your regular habit to no smoking at all.Certain individuals that metabolize nicotine relatively slowly are more likely to succeed by quitting cold turkey. This is because they are not as physically addicted to nicotine as other smokers are. People with a higher dependence on nicotine may find they need to use a nicotine substitute such as patches or gum.Slowly Cutting Down - Rather than quitting cold turkey, some people prefer to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke each day. In order for this to work you need to have a plan to reduce your smoking by a certain amount each day and a goal for the day when you want to be completely smoke-free.There are many strategies you can use. You could smoke one less cigarette each day; you could delay smoking the first cigarette of the day by a greater amount each day; or you could limit your smoking to a certain number of cigarettes within a three hour period.Nicotine Substitutes - Either of the above methods could be supplemented with the use of a nicotine substitute like gum, spray or patches. This helps reduce the craving for nicotine which is behind the desire to smoke. The brain has become accustomed to regular doses of nicotine so by supplying the nicotine by other means quitting the habit becomes easier.Before using a nicotine substitute consult with your doctor concerning any health risks that may be associated with it. Nicotine substitutes are available in the form of chewing gum, nasal spray, lozenges, inhalators, or tablets that are kept under the tongue. Patches can also be worn on the skin to provide a constant supply of nicotine to the bloodstream throughout the day.Zyban - Zyban is an antidepressant drug that has been proven effective reducing nicotine withdrawal symptoms. It is available by doctor's prescription.Hypnosis - Hypnosis has also been used to help overcome nicotine cravings. It seems to be most effective in those who have a strong desire to quit.Acupuncture - As with hypnosis, acupuncture works best with people who are committed to quitting smoking. Both acupuncture and hypnosis may work by reinforcing the commitment to giving up smoking. There is no evidence that they are any more effective than other methods.

Natural Ways To Stop Smoking

There are many paths to a smoke-free living. You can use aids like patches, gum, or drugs like Zyban to help get over the physical addiction to nicotine. You may decide to quit cold turkey and suffer the withdrawal symptoms, or you may gradually cut down on your cigarette habit.As an alternative to nicotine substitutes, you can treat the challenge of quitting the habit as an opportunity to make changes in your lifestyle for the better. At the end of the process you will not only be a smoke-free, you will have also gained new eating habits and lifestyle changes for healthier living.Making changes to your lifestyle and eating habits is a big challenge, and requires a certain level of dedication. You will find, however, that eating healthier and living healthier also makes it easier to quit smoking. You will also develop strategies for dealing with nicotine withdrawal.Since we are talking about several changes to your style of living, it's a good idea to take at least a week or two off your regular routine to make the changes. If you can take some time off work and get away from your regular schedule you will be exposed to fewer situations which you associate with smoking. You can also take the time to recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.A regular exercise routine is an essential part of healthy living. If you have not exercised previously, build up to it gradually. Rather than starting on an ambitious two-mile jog every morning, begin by going for long walks. As your stamina increases and your health improves you can add more vigorous activities to your exercise routine.Healthy eating is also very important for regaining the health that may have been lost from your smoking habit. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and cut down on fatty meats and foods high in saturated fats like fast food and desserts. Eating good-quality food can help eliminate toxins from the body faster which makes it easier to overcome your nicotine habit.You are likely to experience symptoms from nicotine withdrawal. Nicotine is a powerful drug that affects many parts of the body but particularly the brain. Smokers become accustomed to the regular stimulation that nicotine provides, and may feel sluggish and inattentive when it is deprived. Rather than depending on nicotine substitutes to overcome the symptoms, simply take short naps whenever you feel drained.Another symptom of nicotine withdrawal is irritability. Whenever you feel this way or are craving a cigarette, go for a brisk walk. This helps clear your mind and overcome the desire for nicotine.You may also find that your mouth and throat feel dry or that you develop a cough or postnasal drip. This is caused by the body ridding itself of excess mucus produced because of exposure to smoke. To overcome these symptoms drink plenty of juice and water or suck on lozenges.Cutting down on caffeine should be part of your new healthy lifestyle. There is no need to eliminate caffeine completely, but it is particularly important to avoid it after six pm. Nicotine withdrawal can cause insomnia and you do not want exasperate that by stimulating yourself with too much caffeine.It is important to find natural ways to relax. Many people are tempted to smoke when exposed to stressful situations. It is far healthier to learn relaxation techniques like deep breathing. Nicotine withdrawal may also cause headaches which can be relieved by hot baths or gentle body movements like rolling the head.All of these techniques are extremely helpful in overcoming the cigarette habit but they are also useful for maintaining good health. Make them part of your regular lifestyle and you will feel better, look better, and have a healthier outlook on life.

Quit Smoking By Facing Your Psychological Addiction

When you’ve been addicted to nicotine, the thought of trying to quit smoking can be intimidating. Aside from the physical withdrawal symptoms, there’s a psychological addiction to the habit-forming drug.If you’re setting out on a mission to quit smoking, make sure you implement a plan to attack your mental habit as well as face the withdrawal of nicotine physically from your body. Medications and counseling can contribute to an easier time when you quit smoking, because it’s an emotional and social habit as well as just a habit of motion, taking your fingers to and from your mouth to inhale a cigarette.There are many ways to get psychological help for your addiction. They need to be done in conjunction with the physical removal of nicotine, not just before or after you’ve quit smoking.You may opt for phone counseling, which you can find through the American Cancer Society’s Quitline. This way you’re connected with a trained counselor whenever you need help with your plans to quit smoking.There are some common traps counselors can help you avoid that usually cause someone who has quit smoking to return to the nasty habit. Phone counseling is a convenient way to reach out for support because it’s available at all times, from anywhere you have a phone connection.Some people who want to quit smoking need to do nothing more than turn to family and friends in their time of need. It’s especially helpful if there’s someone you know who has already quit smoking and will understand what you’re going through. There are also programs organized specifically for people who want to quit smoking. Being a part of a group can be beneficial in giving you the extra support you need to break the habit once and for all.You may discover that you prefer individual counseling over group meetings, but either way, counseling helps people quit smoking more than those who try to go it alone. Some organizations will be intense, and others more flexible. The more intense it is, the higher your chance of success to quit smoking.If you feel like your addiction is strong, then try to find a frequent meeting that lasts at least half an hour. Try to find those with experience to help you with you quit smoking. Never fall for the quick and easy claims some groups make just to take your money.

What Are The Immediate Benefits When I Quit Smoking?

Everyone knows that it’s obviously healthier for you to quit smoking than it is to continue your addiction to nicotine. But there are more than just long-term health benefits. Your body is immediately improved when you start inhaling clean air as opposed to the smoke from a cigarette.Within 20 minutes after you quit smoking your last cigarette, changes begin to take place in your overall health. Your heart rate and blood pressure drop to a healthier level. Half a day later, your blood shows normal levels of carbon monoxide.Just a couple of months after you quit smoking, you’ll notice your lung function increases. Maybe you can now walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for air. Plus, your circulation is improved.During the first nine months after you quit smoking, you’ll notice you no longer cough as much and you’re capable of taking deep breaths. This is because the cilia in your lungs are able to move the mucus out of your lungs so they function better to clean them out and clear out infections.When you’re celebrating your first year after quitting smoking, you should toast to the fact that your risk of coronary heart disease is cut in half from what it was when you were labeled a smoker.Over the course of the next five years and decade after you quit smoking, your stroke risk is reduced, too. Lung cancer death rate is half that of a smoker’s and other cancers, such as those of the throat, mouth, bladder, and pancreas are cut as well.While health is obviously an important factor in why people quit smoking, there are other immediate benefits as well. Tobacco may have damaged your physical appearance, such as causing premature aging, yellowing of the nails and teeth, and a foul odor clinging to your hair and clothes.When you quit smoking, your skin immediately begins to repair itself and the bad smell goes away. Your breath smells fresh and you can take action to whiten your teeth using over the counter teeth whiteners.You’ll also notice improvements in other areas of your life after you quit smoking. For instance, you’ll be able to taste food better than before and your sense of smell will be sharpened. Your reasons may be listed within this article, or you may have your own personal reasons to quit smoking. Either way, you’ll reap the rewards of your efforts once you say goodbye to tobacco for good.

Nicotine Won’t Let You Quit Smoking

Does nicotine have a strong hold over you? It’s one of the most addictives substances on the planet - found naturally in tobacco. Although not illegal, it’s equally as addictive as cocaine or heroine, two illegal drugs known for their strong addictive qualities.When you use nicotine, your body begins to rely on it both mentally and physically. You can’t quit smoking because you have to face both the psychological and physical issues facing you at this point, which is often overwhelming for anyone.It’s not the smoke itself that wreaks havoc on your addictions and makes it nearly impossible for you to quit smoking – it’s the nicotine that gets carried in the smoke deep into your lungs where it plants itself in your bloodstream and then moves to every available part of your body to affect your internal health.Your heart and blood vessels, your brain, your hormones, and your metabolism are all directly affected by nicotine. Even though you may logically know the damage being done, your ability to quit smoking is diminished because the drug has the same effect as endorphins, releasing mood-elevating feelings that cause you to crave more.But nicotine has another result. When you try to quit smoking, or even stay at the same number of cigarettes you currently smoke, your body triggers you to smoke more, telling you that you’ve become tolerant of your current usage. Nicotine can cause your body to react faster than if you were given a drug intravenously. If you are able to quit smoking, nicotine will still reside in your body for up to four days after you stop using it. Your body will go into withdrawal, which is both a mental and physical obstacle you have to overcome.While the physical portion of the addiction has to be dealt with through symptoms such as sleep disturbance, headaches, and dizziness, when someone quits smoking, the mental portion is noticeable when the newly ex-smoker starts dealing with depression, frustration, and anger that results from nicotine withdrawal.Because of the pressure felt in both the mind and body, many smokers return to the bad habit so that the nicotine will erase the symptoms they’re feeling. The dilemma of withdrawal symptoms when someone quits smoking can last for days or weeks, depending on the severity of the addiction.Eventually, the symptoms disappear and the strong hold nicotine has over the user loosens up its grip and allows the ex-smoker to break the habit for good. Most smokers have to try several times before they’re able to quit smoking forever, although many do it on the first try using smoking cessation aids.